RAW Minneapolis: CUSP

What an incredible start to my year. I literally can’t believe how fast the year is already moving! I’ve been so incredibly busy. Life is just so great sometimes. When opportunities come after you, take the chance and go for it! I mean, really, what do you have to lose? I am definitely a huge believer of working hard towards your goals, but if you keep working towards your goals and you never take the jump to elevate your game, whats the point?

So I definitely took a leap by first off joining RAW an indie arts organization. I literally thought it was a spam email and took a whim emailing them back anyway. Before I knew it, I was on a stage showcasing my work! INSANE RIGHT?! Yeah, I could hardly believe it. Lucky for me I have amazing friends to help me with my looks. And an incredible boyfriend to support me every stressed induced tantrum I had (no joke, he was a real trooper)!
Side story, Eric (my baebae) was so great. Constantly giving me advice and really pushing me towards doing the best I can. Also major plus he picked up my mom and drove her to my showcase and basically hung around her all night! I know, I got a REAL winner.

Anyway, what a surreal experience. I would do it again in a heartbeat. Hopefully in another state soon. I would love to do that! But if you guys want to learn more about RAW click this link: RAW Artists! If you’re in the arts (fashion designer, photographer, painter, makeup artist etc) I really recommend you checking out this group. It is a fabulous way to connect with your local artists and showcase your work!

Here are some of highlight photos!


Remember ladies and gents, take chances because you never know where it will lead you! You can’t have a million dollar dream with a minimum work ethic 😉 Have a wonderful Monday!

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