
Hey all! I hope everyone’s Christmas went amazing! Holiday season seems to always be so incredibly stressful beforehand and for one (or two) days it is filled with happiness and cheers! Christmas is my favorite holiday of all time because of the festivities and bringing people together. And for the most part, people tend to be a lot more kind and understanding around this time.

This year, is the first year where I truly didn’t enjoy Christmas. And for those that knows me, I seriously love Christmas! Sure, I admit, I still was enjoying the company of others, but I couldn’t shake a feeling. This year, is also the first year in my life, I lost someone dear to me. It just so happened to occur on Christmas Eve.

I received a call from my coworker and she told me the news. I was stunned. I didn’t even know what to say. My mind was racing with a million of questions, like what happened? Why didn’t he go to the doctors if he was ill? Why didn’t anyone notice him? How could this have happened? It took me almost ten minutes to register the fact that…My friend…is no longer here. I will never be able to see him walk through the doors of where I worked, and make him another drink. I will never hear his infectious laugh. I will never be able to talk to him again.

I broke down crying. 

I instantly went through my phone, watched videos of him being goofy and reminiscing with photos of our time out. I just couldn’t believe he was gone.

Then it occurred to me, that he left behind his family, and his family is receiving awful news on Christmas. I didn’t know his family, but I had the desire to meet them and hug them tightly. Letting them know that I cared for him as much as they did and he was one phenomenal guy.

He was one of the most selfless, generous man that could have ever walked this planet. I posted a video on Facebook and throughout the day as the news traveled. More people posted their memories of him. It was so amazing to me how many people he has made smiled and how many people loved him.

I was blessed to have met him and I will hold onto that feeling forever. You meet so many amazing people throughout your  life, but there are only some that will make an impact. And he was one of them. To me….and to many.

We often take advantage of the people in our lives. Thinking that we are all around the same age, so we all will go through the motions of life.. Graduating college…getting married…getting an amazing job…But we never think of the times where we could lose someone. And how it would make us feel. And how much regret you would have not being able to tell them you care about them. Life is so precious, and one never thinks about that.

So now that holiday cheer and festivities is over. People usually return back to their normal routine. But I will leave you all with this thought.
What would you do if someone you cared about passed away tomorrow? What would you tell them? Say to them?

Life is too precious to not tell the people that you care about that you do care.

I’m still registering what has happened, and I still cry about the thought that he’s no longer here. It’s amazing to me how once a bar regular then becomes a close friend has impacted my life so much. So I hope you all hug someone you love a little tighter and you tell the people that you care about them.

REST IN PEACE RICKY. You will forever be missed.







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