Lescolton Cordless Split End Hair Trimmer

Lescolton Cordless Split End Hair Trimmer

Happy Wednesday everyone! I hope we all started off the week on a high note! Lets keep that going! Today I will be doing my first impressions review of the Lescolton Cordless Split End Hair Trimmer! Yeah I know, I was extremely nervous even clicking the order button on amazon! I was thinking, "omg what if this [...]

My 2 Winter Skin MUST-HAVES!!

My 2 Winter Skin MUST-HAVES!!

Happy Saturday everyone! I hope the beginning of December is treating you all well! Mine has been incredible so far! For those who don't know, I am being featured in my very first showcase with RAW:Minneapolis! I'm so eternally grateful to have such an amazing opportunity! I'm super nervous so I apologize if I don't blog [...]

November FAVS

November FAVS

Hey lovelies! I hope everyone had an amazing thanksgiving, and all got to spend time with loved ones. November is always the start of an incredibly busy season isn't it? Now theres Christmas around the corner! And pretty soon we will be thinking of New Years resolution!! How crazy! Well today is the first post [...]